You are currently browsing the archives for July 2014.
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  • Posted on July 29, 2014 at 1:56 pm

Keeping myself accountable is proving to be interesting. On the one hand, why am I doing this if it’s just for me? On the other hand, if it’s just for me, why should I NOT be doing this??

Figuring out yesterday that my there-and-back walk down the hall is actually 3/10th of a mile was rather cool. I managed to get in two walks this morning before lunch, so I’ve already done 6/10th’s! I may try to get an outside walk in this afternoon, probably after my call later. Right now my legs hurt and my calves are achy. I’m hoping that will start to subside as I get more used to doing this.

Another lap, another 2/10th’s done. 4/5th of a mile walked today. But holy heck am I tired! Maybe that’s why I’ve been sleeping better, pure exhaustion.

The countdown to Vermont has officially started. Yesterday was 8 weeks till closing. High speed internet should be available by the start of Sept, so we’ll take a trip up to check and troubleshoot that at some point during the month before we close. I don’t want to have to deal with THAT as well on Day 1. Holy crap- less than 8 weeks till we move. I’m trying to stay optimistic that the HR stuff will work itself out as needed by then and that we’ll be able to really move as of closing day. But that’s still up in the air and I won’t know anything more for another couple of weeks.

I managed to avoid a neuralgia attack yesterday; so far today is going ok too. I’m guardedly optimistic that this flare is subsiding, but I know it’s really too early to be sure. But for my sanity, I need to hang on to that glimmer of hope.

Breakfast: Starbucks venti soy latte; Stonyfield yogurt smoothie
Lunch: Fresh Direct dill salmon; some sliced peppers
Dinner: TBD
Snacks: cherries, FD fruit and nuts (2 serving pack)


  • Posted on July 28, 2014 at 2:50 pm

Back to work, back to what passes for normal around here these days.


My Monday’s always start with a 0700 conference call, and this week was no different. Fortunately it’s usually quick and innocuous, which it was today. And remarkably, even miraculously, I had a crazy light meeting day. It’s one of the few good things about summer, half the people are out of the office at any given moment.

I managed to get in two hallway walks before lunch. A straight walk is 1/10th of a mile; I think with all the extra bits and turns I do I can give myself credit for an extra 1/10s or so for every loop, so that would mean I did about 1/2 mile before lunch. Go me! Let’s see if I can get another two laps in before the end of the day- AND keep away from the ever-present bowl of chocolate that sits just across the aisle from me.

I’ve got a Fresh Direct delivery (gods I’m going to miss that when we move!) coming this evening with all sorts of fruits and veggies and yogurts and lunch stuff, and fixing for another shrimp stir fry this week. Hopefully it will be a bit better than last week’s- which didn’t suck but wasn’t anything great. So tonight I intend to portion off some of the fruits and veggies into bags and containers so they’re ready to grab and pack or grab and snack. I have to remember that I still have some grapes in the freezer for that purpose.

Third hallway walk after lunch- done. Not sure I’ve got the spoons for a fourth, but I’m good with three. My goal for this week is 3 laps each day. Next week I can get myself up to four.

There are 250 steps in 1/10th of a mile. At least the way I walk. I did a fourth walk today, just straight, and counted. I KNOW that I’ve added at least 170 steps to my walk down the hall, probably more now that I’ve added the nook I found. So I’m definitely adding at least 1/10 to a there-and-back walk, possibly even another 1/10th each way. Will have to count that tomorrow. But I walked more than a mile during the course of the day. I’m rather impressed with myself today. I just have to keep it up during the week, and maybe get outside and start doing a 1/8th each way walk that’s been marked out. I’m still keeping my goal for the week as three walks a day, with all my maneuvering to maximize it. My stretch goals will be to add a fourth walk, either inside or outside, depending on spoons and weather.

Second goal for the week: 30 minutes of self-care- either meditation, yoga, stretching, some combination thereof.

Breakfast: Starbucks venti soy latte

Lunch: Raisin bran with soy milk

Dinner: TBD

Snack: 1 rolo, 1 snack pack of FD mixed nuts and raisins

Countdown to closing: 8 weeks from today!


  • Posted on July 25, 2014 at 2:40 pm

Well the last couple of days have been a mixed bag. I had every intention to post on Wednesday, but my computer at the office was having “issues” connecting to here.

Not sure where this is going to go- it’s one of those days and I think I just need to brain dump. Read at your own risk.

So Weds the 23rd I had an ocular migraine. Those are nifty little things! Unlike a regular migraine, they’re not a pain in your head; they’re a visual disturbance, a pattern of swirling in your visual field that gradually shrinks, moves, and goes away on its own and there’s nothing you can do about it. Fortunately this one did not last long.

Today and yesterday I’ve had a massive flare up of my neuralgia, and nothing is helping that. The front of my head is in a vise, and someone is stabbing ice picks into the side- that sometimes hit a nerve and send excruciating pain into my skull. So yeah, it’s been fun. I’ve been trying to watch what I eat and get up and down the long hall a couple of times a day, but it’s been harder on both counts than I would have expected.


It’s now Saturday afternoon and I’ve done a whole lot of nothing, as the edge of the neuralgia sits inside my head. That’s not quite true. We packed some more boxes, I sorted through a whole bunch of papers and stuff, and I placed a grocery delivery order. THAT is one thing I’m going to miss when we move- my Fresh Direct weekly delivery. It will definitely be an adjustment, that’s for sure!

I’m hoping this week is going to be easier, both health and work-wise. I’m not sure how well I will deal if the neuralgia keeps up. I can totally understand why it’s called “the suicide headache.”


22-July Log

  • Posted on July 22, 2014 at 1:51 pm

Breakfast: iced coffee with soy milk

lunch: raisin bran with soy milk (note to self: no flaxseed- I know it’s healthy but ewww…)


Snack: 1 peach

Water: 24 oz cup- 2

Office walks- 1

21-July log

  • Posted on July 21, 2014 at 3:12 pm

breakfast: iced coffee with soy milk

lunch: Lunch special- sauteed chicken and shrimp, little bit of fried rice, 2 bites of egg roll

dinner: meatballs and zucchini with marinara


FD fruit and nut mix

1 apricot

1 peach

Water: 24 oz cup- 3

1 mini kit kat

Office walks: 3


Watch Betty get her groove back….

  • Posted on July 21, 2014 at 3:06 pm

Shamelessly stealing the title as it rather fits.

There’s been so, SO much going on lately. Some of it will be written about, some may not. But the short story is that there are major life changes afoot for the Husband and I. Good things, most definitely. The biggest one is that we are in the process of purchasing a house in Vermont. Where our mailbox will be half a mile (each way!!) down the road. So I now have a mission. Get in well enough shape to be able to make it to the mailbox and back without keeling over. I’m not in good shape now, to put it mildly (unless we’re calling round a shape!). But I’m starting to walk in the office to try and at least get -some- exercise into my day. Today I’ve walked 6/10th of a mile. It’s not been consecutive (2/10th each time with a bathroom stop in between) but it’s the most I’ve walked in recent memory so I say that has to count for something! Tonight, I’m going to try to get a little yoga/stretching in and maybe try to meditate. I need to get both of those practices going again, for my health and sanity.

So I’m going to try and keep the blog updated more regularly, just to have a point of accountability for me to track this stuff as well as a place to brain dump so I don’t lose what’s left of my sanity between now and whenever it is that we’ll be moving.

We’ll see how it goes!

new look, next try

  • Posted on July 7, 2014 at 3:08 pm

So I’m about to try and pick this back up again, for a variety of reasons- all good, some life changing. But with as much going on as there is and will continue to be over the next probably six months, I figured I needed to find some place to offload some of my brain spiraling to try and keep whatever may be left of my sanity.


I may go for a theme change next, but that’s a rabbit hole that I’m not sure I can afford to go down right this moment.


Big changes are coming to our Demented household! The first and biggest is that we’ll likely be moving during the later part of this year. We currently have a closing date in late September for our new home- 10 acres on the side of a mountain. This is going to be a totally life-altering move- not just because we’ll be dead broke afterwards, but also because we’re moving to an area that’s a little more removed from civilization than we’re used to. Instead of being 2 miles from the nearest pharmacy and stores, we’ll be around 17 miles! And as an extra added bonus, we’re moving into snow country, so I now need to be prepared to be snowed in for up to two weeks at a time. It should never be that long, if at all, but that’s what the Husband wants us to be prepared for. There is no food delivery to the new house, so I’m going to have to get back into cooking most nights of the week which I have not done in several years. I’m looking forward to it, but it’s going to be an adjustment, without question.

We’ve always said that it’ll be a grand adventure, and that’s most definitely the case!