Well the last couple of days have been a mixed bag. I had every intention to post on Wednesday, but my computer at the office was having “issues” connecting to here.
Not sure where this is going to go- it’s one of those days and I think I just need to brain dump. Read at your own risk.
So Weds the 23rd I had an ocular migraine. Those are nifty little things! Unlike a regular migraine, they’re not a pain in your head; they’re a visual disturbance, a pattern of swirling in your visual field that gradually shrinks, moves, and goes away on its own and there’s nothing you can do about it. Fortunately this one did not last long.
Today and yesterday I’ve had a massive flare up of my neuralgia, and nothing is helping that. The front of my head is in a vise, and someone is stabbing ice picks into the side- that sometimes hit a nerve and send excruciating pain into my skull. So yeah, it’s been fun. I’ve been trying to watch what I eat and get up and down the long hall a couple of times a day, but it’s been harder on both counts than I would have expected.
It’s now Saturday afternoon and I’ve done a whole lot of nothing, as the edge of the neuralgia sits inside my head. That’s not quite true. We packed some more boxes, I sorted through a whole bunch of papers and stuff, and I placed a grocery delivery order. THAT is one thing I’m going to miss when we move- my Fresh Direct weekly delivery. It will definitely be an adjustment, that’s for sure!
I’m hoping this week is going to be easier, both health and work-wise. I’m not sure how well I will deal if the neuralgia keeps up. I can totally understand why it’s called “the suicide headache.”
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